This site is operated by Island Sailing Limited (Co No 08725363) trading as “Island Sailing”. References to Island Sailing herein include the above named company.
In this section you will find information on what cookies may be set when you visit the Island Sailing website and how to reject or delete those cookies. If you wish to read our Cookies Policy, this can be found in our Privacy & Cookies Policy.
Island Sailing will not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information about you. However, if you wish to restrict or block the cookies which are set by the Island Sailing website, or indeed any other website. You can accept or decline cookies at any time by accessing the preference panels from your browser’s main menu (usually found under ‘Edit’, ‘Tools’ or ‘Options’). Or search your browsers help function for "cookies". However, if you choose to remove cookies parts of the site may not work properly or your use of the site may be impaired.
Alternatively, you may wish to visit http://www.aboutcookies.org/ which contains comprehensive information on how to do this on a wide variety of browsers. You will also find details on how to delete cookies from your computer as well as more general information about cookies. For information on how to do this on the browser of your mobile phone you will need to refer to your handset manual. Please be aware that by removing cookies, parts of the site may not work properly or your use of the site may be impaired.
Below identifies the main cookies set by the Island Sailing website, and what it is used for.
Google Analytics
__utma , __utmb, __utmc, __utmz, _ga.
Google Analytics tracking (and most web tracking software) uses cookies in order to provide meaningful reports about our site visitors. However, Google Analytics cookies do not collect personal data about our website visitors. More information on Google Analytics use of cookies and their privacy policy is available here: http://www.google.com/analytics/learn/privacy.html
We sometimes embed photos and video content from websites such as YouTube. As a result, when you visit a page with content embedded from, for example, YouTube, you may be presented with cookies from these websites. Island Sailing does not control the dissemination of these cookies. You should check the relevant third party website for more information about these.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Island Sailing website carries embedded ‘share’ buttons to enable users of the site to easily share articles with their friends through a number of popular social networks. These sites may set a cookie when you are also logged in to their service. Island Sailing does not control the dissemination of these cookies and you should check the relevant third party website for more information about these.